Hello, I'm Josepri

Welcome to my portfolio site. I'm interested in website development (web-design, front-end, and back-end). Let's have a look at what i've been doing!

About me


Hi, thank you for visiting my website🙌 I'm a graduate student from Bachelor of Information Technology, University of Sumatera Utara. I was active in several organizations at campus. I'm currently learning about website development. I've been learning about web-design, front-end, and back-end development. I always push myself to improve my skill in programming.



Here are some projects i did...

Graduate Thesis

My recent thesis is to make a dekstop application about SEVERITY CLASSIFICATION OF DIABETIC MACULOPATY THROUGH RETINAL IMAGE USING DEEP RESIDUAL NETWORK (RESNET) (Keywords: Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning)

Toko Buku Rohani

It is a simple responsive onlineshop that supports CRUD, User Login, cookie, session, and another PHP logics.

Game: Rock Paper Scissors

It is a simple traditional game using hand gestures played by two persons. I build this simple game website using Javascript, css, and html.

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©2025 Josepri Padang